Christmas: Inward and Spiritual

Christmas Story Part Four: Christmas Inward and Spirtual

The Magi followed a star to Bethlehem. They were in search of a political figure, a future King. These Wise Men from the east brought expensive gifts with them because it was an appropriate and expected way of honoring a future monarch. It was virtually certain that they were surprised when they found the Christ child in a stable, lying in a barnyard manger (most likely a trough intended to be used by cattle), and common parents with no royal pedigree.

The Magi came to give homage to Jesus as a political figure, a future monarch. They came to see the King of the Jews!  They quickly found out that there was nothing political or monarchial about their encounter with the Jesus The whole experience for them was humbling, spiritual and inward. These Persian astrologers and philosophers had no political message to share when they returned home. The Wise Men had a spiritual experience to share. The whole experience had the humbling marks of dishonor and the inward power of a spiritual experience.

Merry Christmas to all the Christian families who receive our weekly online publication!

Joseph C. Hutchison

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